For more than twenty years now, Eurotop has been active as a “technical assistance unit and communication agency” for European cooperation programmes, international organisations and ETI projects (Economic and Technological Intelligence), appointed by different Directorate Generals (DG’s) of the European Commission and for several Research and Development projects (Al Invest, Leonardo, FP5, FP6, CIP, FP7 and H2020).
Eurotop has been coordinator, partner or Work Package (WP) leader in more than 30 projects of the European Commission and provides communication services for several organisations (National Contact Points, sectoral organisations, private companies)
Our job is to provide strategic and operational support to public organisations or private companies that are at a crucial stage of their development. Eurotop provides services and coaching ranging from proposal development for public funding, partner searches, to strategic advice for start-up company training, implementation of market studies and product commercialisation, to development of marketing communication and assisting in obtaining private funding.
Using its broad experience, Eurotop has developed a proprietary technology for large project management and communication through Internet, based on Xtranet Integrated System Application (Xtranet-ISA). The Xtranet-ISA collaboration and communication platform allows e-reporting on tasks and budget, quality assessment, permanent monitoring of activities performed by partners, and offers full communication features - collaborative platform, documents repository, forum, events registration tool, agenda, ...
Is your company website attractive, user friendly and up to date? Our web design team can guide you through the different ways to promote your identity on the web. What we offer you is a website that will reflect your activities and give the best impression to your clients. You won’t only have a nice looking website but a strong and powerful communication tool that will allow your clients to easily find your company on the web and stay informed about your latest activities through social media.
The most successful content management strategies are often the simplest. Refreshing content can be a challenging task. For this reason, we always recommend a direction which removes friction and makes it easy for multiple editors to continually update and improve their respective content. We are working with a diverse range of Content Management Systems, from open source platforms such as WordPress and Drupal through to proprietary and specific solutions.
eCommerce websites are a whole level beyond “regular” websites. eCommerce involves many components, from the visual identity of your online store, to setting up how customers will pay and what will be the shipping cost, etc. Trust your online store to the experts at Eurotop.
We offer you the opportunity to better communicate through the most relevant media. Our printed publications are designed to provide your clients with a clean and efficient communication tool which will bring more added-value to your information, thus expecting a better impact on sales and a great return on investment. We design and print any type of publication such as annual reports, leaflets, manuals, folders, flyers, calendars, art brochures...
The logo of a company must represent its earth. It can be its core business, its values, and its name. But it always has a deep meaning, linked to your company’s history and purpose. Eurotop designers can create a logo for starters or adapt old logos to last tendencies. They will advise you and adapt your logo to all supports, from e-mail to postcards. But the visuals of a company don’t stop at its logo. Graphic guidelines or graphic charts will help your company to develop its own feeling and branding. They will define the company looks.
For more, please visit our communication department website.
To improve the state of the practice in a domain, effective communication is essential. Our team has developed a communication strategy for creating clear and consistent messages and for making the best use of resources for communication work.
With a strong visual and communication identity you will make your brand unique and visible in the market. Eurotop can help you achieving this goal by creating a graphic chart and visual identity guidelines. Thus you will be able to better communicate inside and outside your company by using your identity in the right way. Our communication department can design your business cards, letter paper and envelops, brochures, folders, flyers, badges, etc.
Corporate video clips are useful to present your activities in a more interactive way. By promoting your activities through a video clip, your will have a closer relationship with your audience, thus providing your clients with a better and more realistic impression of your company and its activities. Therefore they will be comforted to know that your company meets their expectations.
We have our own photographer that can cover any kind of event by taking awesome pictures. Pictures are provided the day after in an easy way such as an online gallery, a printed album or just a DVD. For more commercial pictures (e.g. packshots, team pictures, services …) we can take pictures in our studio with professional lights and nice backgrounds. We can also integrate those pictures in your e-boutique or any web photo gallery.
We bring you design, creative skills, thoughts, and ideas
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